#!/bin/sed -f # mail-iso2txt.sed - 20000906 # convert the email encoded chars =xx to the right hexa char # # ps.: needs GNU sed >= 3.02.80 because the s//\xnn/ notation s|=09|\x09|g s|=20|\x20|g s|=B7|\xb7|g s|=BA|\xba|g s|=C1|\xc1|g s|=C2|\xc2|g s|=C3|\xc3|g s|=C4|\xc4|g s|=C5|\xc5|g s|=C6|\xc6|g s|=C7|\xc7|g s|=C8|\xc8|g s|=C9|\xc9|g s|=CA|\xca|g s|=CB|\xcb|g s|=CC|\xcc|g s|=CD|\xcd|g s|=CE|\xce|g s|=CF|\xcf|g s|=D7|\xd7|g s|=E1|\xe1|g s|=E2|\xe2|g s|=E3|\xe3|g s|=E4|\xe4|g s|=E5|\xe5|g s|=E6|\xe6|g s|=E7|\xe7|g s|=E8|\xe8|g s|=E9|\xe9|g s|=EA|\xea|g s|=EB|\xeb|g s|=EC|\xec|g s|=ED|\xed|g s|=EE|\xee|g s|=EF|\xef|g s|=F1|\xf1|g s|=F2|\xf2|g s|=F3|\xf3|g s|=F4|\xf4|g s|=F5|\xf5|g s|=F6|\xf6|g s|=F7|\xf7|g s|=F8|\xf8|g s|=F9|\xf9|g s|=FA|\xfa|g s|=FB|\xfb|g s|=FC|\xfc|g s|=$||g