#! /usr/bin/env python # sedsed # 20011127 ** debut # ChangeLog: see README file at http://sedsed.sf.net import sys, re, os, getopt, string # program self data myname = 'sedsed' myversion = 0.5 myhome = 'http://sedsed.sf.net' # default config color = 1 # colored output? (it's nice) DEBUG = 0 # set developper's debug level [0-3] EMUDEBUG = 0 # emulator have it's own debug [0-3] indentprefix = ' ' # default indent prefix action = 'indent' # default action #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def error(msg): print 'ERROR:',msg ; sys.exit(1) # OS/system functions def readFile(file): # remove \n$ if not os.path.isfile(file): error('file not found: %s'%file) f = open(file); txt = f.read(); f.close txt = re.sub('\n$','',txt) ; return string.split(txt, '\n') def writeFile(file, list=[]): if list: for i in range(len(list)): # ensuring line break list[i] = string.rstrip(list[i])+'\n' f = open(file,'w'); f.writelines(list); f.close() def mkTmpFile(list=[]): from time import time file = '/tmp/sedsed.%s'%str(time()) writeFile(file, list) return file def runCommand(cmd): # Returns a (#exit_code, program_output[]) tuple list = [] ; fd = os.popen(cmd) for line in fd.readlines(): list.append(rstrip(line)) # stripping \s*\n ret = fd.close() if ret: ret = ret/256 # 16bit number return ret, list def printUsage(exitcode=1): print """ usage: sedsed OPTION [-e sedscript] [-f sedscriptfile] [inputfile] OPTIONS: -f, --file add file contents to the commands to be parsed -e, --expression add the script to the commands to be parsed -d, --debug DEBUG the sed script --nocolor no colors on debug output --hide hide some debug info (options: PATT,HOLD,COMM) --emu emulates GNU sed (INCOMPLETE) --emudebug emulates GNU sed debugging the sed script (INCOMPLETE) -i, --indent script beautifier, prints indented and one-command-per-line output do STDOUT --prefix indent prefix string (default: 2 spaces) -t, --tokenize script tokenizer, prints extensive command by command information --htmlize converts sed script to a colorful HTML page -V, --version prints the program version and exit -h, --help prints this help message and exit NOTE: --emu and --emudebug options are still INCOMPLETE and must be used with care. mainly regexes and address $ (last line) are not handled right by the emulator. """ print "homepage: %s\n"%myhome sys.exit(exitcode) # get cmdline options errormsg = 'bad option or missing argument. try --help.' try: (opt, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'he:f:ditV', ['debug', 'hide=', 'nocolor', 'indent', 'prefix=', 'emu', 'emudebug', 'tokenize', 'htmlize', 'version', 'help', 'file=', 'expression=', '_debuglevel=','_emudebuglevel=','_stdout-only', 'dumpcute']) # admin hidden opts except getopt.GetoptError: error(errormsg) actionopts = [] sedscript = [] infile = '' for o in opt: if o[0] in ('-d', '--debug') : action = 'debug' elif o[0] in ('-i', '--indent') : action = 'indent'; color = 0 elif o[0] in ('-t', '--tokenize') : action = 'token' ; color = 0 elif o[0] in ('-e', '--expression'): sedscript.append(o[1]) elif o[0] in ('-f', '--file') : sedscript.extend(readFile(o[1])) ; infile = o[1] elif o[0] in ('-h', '--help') : printUsage(0) elif o[0] in ('-v', '--version') : print '%s v%s'%(myname,myversion); sys.exit(0) elif o[0] == '--htmlize' : action = 'html' ; color = 0 elif o[0] == '--emu' : action = 'emu' elif o[0] == '--emudebug': action = 'emudebug' elif o[0] == '--nocolor' : color = 0 elif o[0] == '--hide': # get hide options for hide in string.split(o[1], ','): # save as no actionopts.append('no'+string.lower(string.strip(hide))) elif o[0] == '--prefix': if re.sub('\s','',o[1]): # prefix is valid? error("invalid indent prefix. must be spaces and/or TABs.") indentprefix = o[1] elif o[0] == '--_debuglevel': DEBUG = int(o[1]) elif o[0] == '--_emudebuglevel': EMUDEBUG = int(o[1]) elif o[0] == '--dumpcute' : DEBUG = 0; color = 1; action = 'dumpcute' elif o[0] == '--_stdout-only': action = 'debug' ; actionopts.append(o[0][2:]) # sanity checks if not sedscript: if args: sedscript.append(args.pop(0)) else: error("there's no sed script to parse! (try --help)") # get all text files (if any) textfiles = args if not textfiles: textfiles = ['-'] # the sed script is syntax-error free? if action == 'debug': tmpfile = mkTmpFile(sedscript) ret, msg = runCommand("sed -f '%s' /dev/null"%tmpfile) if ret: error('#%d: syntax error on your sed script, please fix it before.'%ret) os.remove(tmpfile) # color is nice color_YLW = color_NO = color_RED = color_REV = '' # no color if color: color_YLW='\033[33;1m' ; color_RED='\033[31;1m' # yellow, red color_NO='\033[m' ; color_REV='\033[7m' # default, reverse # the sed debug magic lines pattid = 'PATT:' ; holdid = 'HOLD:' ; commid = 'COMM:' showpatt = ' s/^/%s/;l;s/^%s// ;# show pattern space\n'%(pattid, pattid) showhold = 'x;s/^/%s/;l;s/^%s//;x ;# show hold space\n'%(holdid, holdid) showcomm = ' s@^@%s%s\a%s\\\n @;P;s/^[^\\n]*\\n //'%(commid,color_YLW,color_NO) showcomm = showcomm +' ;# show command\n' restaddr = '{;} ;# restoring last address\n' save_t = 't wasset\a\n#DEBUG#\nt wasclear\a\n: wasset\a\n#DEBUG#\n: wasclear\a\n' # t wasset\a # #DEBUG# # t wasclear\a # : wasset\a # #DEBUG# # : wasclear\a if actionopts.count('nopatt'): showpatt = '' # don't show! if actionopts.count('nohold'): showhold = '' # don't show! if actionopts.count('nocomm'): showcomm = '' # don't show! #---------------------------------- patterns ----------------------------------- patt = {} sedcmds = {} html = {} sedcmds['file'] = 'rw' sedcmds['addr'] = '/$0123456789\\' sedcmds['multi'] = 'sy' sedcmds['solo'] = 'nNdDgGhHxpPlq=' sedcmds['text'] = 'aci' sedcmds['jump'] = ':bt' sedcmds['block'] = '{}' sedcmds['flag'] = 'gpIi0123456789w' patt['jump_label'] = r'[^\s;}#]*' # _any_ char, except those, or None patt['filename'] = r'[^\s]+' # _any_ not blank char (strange...) patt['flag'] = r'[%s]+'%sedcmds['flag'] # list of all flags patt['topopts'] = r'#!\s*/[^\s]+\s+-([nf]+)' # options on #!/bin/sed header # HTML colors for --htmlize html['addr1'] = '#8080ff' html['addr1flag'] = '#ff6060' html['addr2'] = '#8080ff' html['addr2flag'] = '#ff6060' html['lastaddr'] = '' html['modifier'] = '#ff6060' html['id'] = '#ffff00' html['content'] = '#ff00ff' html['delimiter'] = '#ff6060' html['pattern'] = '#8080ff' html['replace'] = '' html['flag'] = '#00ff00' html['extrainfo'] = '' html['comment'] = '#00ffff' html['escape'] = '#ff6060' html['special'] = '#00ff00' html['pattmeta'] = '#ff00ff' html['plaintext'] = '' html['branch'] = '' # open HTML page with defined page colors html['htmlheader'] = """\ \n Colorized %s
# final comment about sedsed and close HTML
html['htmlfooter'] = """
### colorized by sedsed\
, a sed script debugger/indenter/tokenizer/HTMLizer\n
"""%html['comment'] cmdfields = ['linenr', 'addr1', 'addr1flag', 'addr2', 'addr2flag', 'lastaddr', 'modifier', 'id', 'content', 'delimiter', 'pattern', 'replace', 'flag', 'extrainfo', 'comment'] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def debug(msg, level=1): if DEBUG and DEBUG >= level: print '+++ DEBUG%d: %s'%(level,msg) def esc_RS_EspecialChars(str): str = string.replace(str, '\\', '\\\\') # escape escape str = string.replace(str, '&', r'\&') # matched pattern str = string.replace(str, '@', r'\@') # delimiter return str def isOpenBracket(str): # bracket open: [ \\[ \\\\[ ... # not bracket : \[ \\\[ \\\\\[ ... isis = 0 delim = '[' str = re.sub('\[:[a-z]+:]', '', str) # del [:charclasses:] if string.find(str, delim) == -1: return 0 # hey, no brackets! # only the last two count patterns = string.split(str, delim)[-2:] debug('bracketpatts: %s'%patterns,3) possibleescape, bracketpatt = patterns # maybe the bracket is escaped, and is not a metachar? m = re.search(r'\\+$', possibleescape) # escaped bracket if m and len(m.group(0))%2: # if odd number of escapes debug('bracket INVALID! - escaped',2) isis = 0 elif string.find(bracketpatt, ']') == -1: # if not closed by ] debug('bracket OPEN! - found! found!',2) isis = 1 # it is opened! &:) return isis def paintHtml(id, txt): if txt: # escaping HTML txt = string.replace(txt, '&', '&') txt = string.replace(txt, '>', '>') txt = string.replace(txt, '<', '<') # some color adjustments and emphasis if id == 'id' and txt in sedcmds['block']: id = 'delimiter' elif id == 'id' and txt == ':': id = 'content' elif id == 'replace': # highlight \n, & and \$ newtxt = paintHtml('special', '\\'+linesep) txt = string.replace(txt, '\\'+linesep, newtxt) txt = re.sub('(\\\\[1-9]|&)', paintHtml('special', '\\1'), txt) elif id == 'pattern': # highlight group open ( and or | txt = re.sub('(\\\\)([(|])', '\\1'+paintHtml('pattmeta', '\\2'), txt) elif id == 'plaintext': # highlight \$ newtxt = paintHtml('special', '\\'+linesep) txt = string.replace(txt, '\\'+linesep, newtxt) elif id == 'branch': # nice link to the label! txt = '%s'%(txt,txt) elif id == 'target': # link target txt = '%s'%(txt,txt); id = 'content' if html[id] and txt: txt = '%s'%(html[id], txt) return txt #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def composeSedAddress(dict): addr1 = '' if action == 'html': if dict['addr1']: addr1 = dict['addr1html'] if dict['addr2']: addr2 = dict['addr2html'] else: addr1 = '%s%s'%(dict['addr1'],dict['addr1flag']) if dict['addr2']: addr2 = '%s%s'%(dict['addr2'],dict['addr2flag']) if dict['addr2']: addr = '%s,%s'%(addr1,addr2) else: addr = addr1 if addr: addr = '%s '%(addr) # visual addr/cmd separation return addr def composeSedCommand(dict): if dict['delimiter']: # s/// if action != 'html': cmd = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s'%( dict['modifier'] ,dict['id'], dict['delimiter'],dict['pattern'], dict['delimiter'],dict['replace'], dict['delimiter'],dict['flag']) if dict['content']: # s///w filename cmd = cmd+' '+dict['content'] else: cmd = """%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s"""%( paintHtml('modifier' , dict['modifier'] ), paintHtml('id' , dict['id'] ), paintHtml('delimiter', dict['delimiter']), paintHtml('pattern' , dict['pattern'] ), paintHtml('delimiter', dict['delimiter']), paintHtml('replace' , dict['replace'] ), paintHtml('delimiter', dict['delimiter']), paintHtml('flag' , dict['flag'] )) if dict['content']: # s///w filename cmd = '%s %s'%(cmd,paintHtml('content', dict['content'])) else: idsep='' spaceme = sedcmds['file']+sedcmds['jump']+sedcmds['text'] if dict['id'] in spaceme: idsep=' ' cmd = '%s%s%s%s'%(dict['modifier'],dict['id'],idsep,dict['content']) if action == 'html': if dict['id'] in sedcmds['text']: content_type = 'plaintext' elif dict['id'] in 'bt': content_type = 'branch' elif dict['id'] == ':': content_type = 'target' else: content_type = 'content' cmd = '%s%s%s%s'%( paintHtml('modifier' , dict['modifier']), paintHtml('id' , dict['id'] ), idsep, paintHtml(content_type, dict['content'] )) cmd = string.replace(cmd, linesep, '\n') return cmd ################################################################################ # SedCommand already receives lstrip()ed data and data != None class SedCommand: def __init__(self, abcde): self.id = abcde[0] # s self.content = '' # txt, filename self.modifier = '' # ! self.full = '' # !s/abc/def/g # for s/// & y/// self.pattern = '' # abc self.replace = '' # def self.delimiter = '' # / self.flag = '' # g self.isok = 0 self.comment = '' self.rest = self.junk = abcde self.extrainfo = '' if self.id == '!': self.modifier = self.id # set modifier self.junk = string.lstrip(self.junk[1:]) # del !@junk self.id = self.junk[0] # set id again self.junk = self.junk[1:] # del id@junk #self.setId() self.doItAll() #----------------------------------------------------- def doItAll(self): # here, junk arrives without the id, but not lstripped (s///) id = self.id #TODO put pending comment on the previous command (h ;#comm) if id == '#': debug('type: comment',3) self.comment = self.id+self.junk self.junk = '' self.isok = 1 elif id in sedcmds['solo']: debug('type: solo',3) self.isok = 1 elif id in sedcmds['block']: debug('type: block',3) self.isok = 1 elif id in sedcmds['text']: debug('type: text',3) if self.junk[-1] != '\\': # ensuring \^M at start self.content = re.sub(r'^\\%s'%linesep, '', self.junk) self.content = '\\%s%s'%(linesep,self.content) self.isok = 1 elif id in sedcmds['jump']: debug('type: jump',3) self.junk = string.lstrip(self.junk) m = re.match(patt['jump_label'], self.junk) if m: self.content = m.group() self.junk = self.junk[m.end():] self.isok = 1 elif id in sedcmds['file']: #TODO deal with valid cmds like 'r bla;bla' (!!!) and 'r bla ;#comm' #TODO spaces and ; are valid as filename chars debug('type: file',3) self.junk = string.lstrip(self.junk) m = re.match(patt['filename'], self.junk) if m: self.content = m.group() self.junk = self.junk[m.end():] self.isok = 1 elif id in sedcmds['multi']: # s/// & y/// debug('type: multi',3) self.delimiter = self.junk[0] ps = SedAddress(self.junk) hs = '' if ps.isok: self.pattern = ps.pattern self.junk = ps.rest # 'replace' opt is to avoid openbracket check (s/bla/[/ is ok) hs = SedAddress(self.delimiter+self.junk, 'replace') if hs.isok: self.replace = hs.pattern self.junk = string.lstrip(hs.rest) ### great s/patt/rplc/ sucessfully taken if hs and hs.isok and self.junk: # there are flags? debug('possible s/// flag: %s'%self.junk,3) m = re.match('(%s\s*)+'%patt['flag'],self.junk) if m: self.flag = m.group() self.junk = string.lstrip(self.junk[m.end():]) # del flag self.flag = re.sub('\s','',self.flag) # del blanks@flag debug('FOUND s/// flag: %s'%string.strip(self.flag)) ### now we've got flags also if 'w' in self.flag: # write file flag m = re.match(patt['filename'], self.junk) if m: self.content = m.group() debug('FOUND s///w filename: %s'%self.content) self.junk = string.lstrip(self.junk[m.end():]) ### and now, s///w filename is saved also if hs and hs.isok: self.isok = 1 else: error("invalid sed command '%s' at line %d"%(id,linenr)) if self.isok: self.full = composeSedCommand(vars(self)) self.full = string.replace(self.full, '\n', linesep) # oneliner self.rest = string.lstrip(self.junk) debug('FOUND command: %s'%self.full) debug('rest left: %s'%self.rest,2) possiblecomment = self.rest if possiblecomment and possiblecomment[0] == '#': self.comment = possiblecomment debug('FOUND comment: %s'%self.comment) debug('SedCommand: %s'%vars(self),3) ################################################################################ #TIP an address is NOT multiline class SedAddress: def __init__(self, abcde, context='addr'): self.delimiter = '' self.pattern = '' self.flag = '' self.full = '' self.html = '' self.isline = 0 self.isok = 0 self.escape = '' self.rest = self.junk = abcde self.context = context self.setType() # numeric or pattern? self.doItAll() debug('SedAddress: %s'%vars(self),3) #------------------------------------------------------ def doItAll(self): if self.isline: self.setLineAddr() else : self.setPattAddr() if self.isok: self.full = '%s%s%s%s'%(self.escape,self.delimiter,self.pattern,self.delimiter) if action == 'html': self.html = '%s%s%s%s'%( paintHtml('escape' , self.escape ), paintHtml('delimiter', self.delimiter), paintHtml('pattern' , self.pattern ), paintHtml('delimiter', self.delimiter)) debug('FOUND addr: %s'%self.full) cutlen = len(self.full)+len(self.flag) self.rest = self.rest[cutlen:] # del addr from junk self.flag = string.strip(self.flag) # del blank from flag debug('rest left: %s'%self.rest,2) else: debug('OH NO! partial addr: %s'%self.rest) #------------------------------------------------------ def setType(self): id = self.junk[0] if re.match('[0-9$]', id): self.isline = 1 # numeric address, easy! else: # oh no, pattern if id == '\\': # strange delimiter (!/) self.escape = '\\' self.junk = self.junk[1:] # del escape - s/^\\// self.delimiter = self.junk[0] # set delimiter self.junk = self.junk[1:] # del delimiter@junk def setLineAddr(self): m = re.match(r'[0-9]+|\$', self.junk) self.pattern = m.group(0) self.isok = 1 def setPattAddr(self): ### # similar to command finder: # - split at pattern delimiter # - if address not terminated, join with next split chunk (loop) # - address found, return it # # We can deal with really catchy valid addresses like: # /\/[/]\\/ and \;\;[;;]\\; incompleteaddr = '' debug('addr delimiter: '+self.delimiter,2) patterns = string.split(self.junk, self.delimiter) debug('addr patterns: %s'%patterns,2) while patterns: possiblepatt = patterns.pop(0) # if address not terminated, join next if incompleteaddr: possiblepatt = string.join([incompleteaddr, possiblepatt], self.delimiter) incompleteaddr = '' debug('possiblepatt: '+possiblepatt,2) # maybe splitted at a (valid) escaped delimiter? if re.search(r'\\+$', possiblepatt): m = re.search(r'\\+$', possiblepatt) if len(m.group(0))%2: debug('address INCOMPLETE! - ends with \\ alone') incompleteaddr = possiblepatt continue if self.context != 'replace': # maybe splitted at a delimiter inside char class []? # BUG: []/[] is not catched - WONTFIX if isOpenBracket(possiblepatt): debug('address INCOMPLETE! - open bracket') incompleteaddr = possiblepatt continue break # it's an address! if patterns: # must have something left if patterns[0]: # the rest is a flag? debug('possible addr flag: %s'%patterns[0],3) m = re.match('\s*I\s*', patterns[0]) if m: # yes, a flag! self.flag = m.group() # set addr flag debug('FOUND addr flag: %s'%string.strip(self.flag)) self.pattern = possiblepatt self.isok = 1 ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### global view of the parser: # # - load the original sed script to a list, left the file free # - scan the list (line by line) # - as user can do more than one sed command on the same line, we split # "possible valid commands" by ; (brute force method) # - validate each splitted command # - if not valid, join next, and try to validate again (loop here) # - if hit EOL and still not valid, join next line, validate (loop here) # - hit EOF, we've got all info at hand # - generate a result list with all sed command found and its data, each # command having it's own dictionary: {addr1: '', addr2: '', cmd: ''} ### incompletecmd = '' incompleteaddr = '' incompletecmdline = '' addr1 = addr2 = '' lastaddr = '' lastsubref = '' has_t = 0 cmdsep = ';' linesep = '§§§' newlineshow = '%s\\N%s'%(color_RED,color_NO) newlinemark = r']]\([\)' blanklines= [] ZZ = [] ZZ.append({}) #for header linenr = 0 cmddict = {} for line in sedscript: linenr = linenr + 1 if linenr == 1: # 1st line #!/... finder m= re.match(patt['topopts'], line) if m: # we have options! ZZ[0]['topopts'] = m.group(1) # saved on list header del m if incompletecmdline: line = string.join([incompletecmdline, line], linesep) if line and line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1] # s/\n$// if not string.strip(line): # blank line blanklines.append(linenr) ZZ.append({'linenr': linenr, 'id': ''}) continue if DEBUG: print ; debug('line:%d: %s'%(linenr,line)) if string.lstrip(line)[0] == '#': linesplit = [string.lstrip(line)] # trick to bypass comment lines else: linesplit = string.split(line, cmdsep) # split lines at ; while linesplit: possiblecmd = linesplit.pop(0) if not incompletecmdline: if incompletecmd: possiblecmd = string.join([incompletecmd, possiblecmd], cmdsep) if incompleteaddr: possiblecmd = string.join([incompleteaddr, possiblecmd], cmdsep) else: incompletecmdline = '' if not possiblecmd: continue # ; at EOL or useless sequence of ;;;; debug('possiblecmd: '+possiblecmd,2) possiblecmd = string.lstrip(possiblecmd) # del space at begin cmdid = possiblecmd[0] # get 1st char (sed cmd) if cmdid == '\\' and len(possiblecmd) == 1: # to get \;addr; (cool!) incompleteaddr = cmdid continue ###----------- get addresses routine --------------- # # to handle ranges, match addresses one by one: # - matched addr at ^ ? get it and set addr1. # - next char is a comma? it's a range. get & set addr2. # - addresses are cutted from command, continue. # # we're not using split cause it fails at /bla[,]bla/ address # while 1: if not possiblecmd[0] in sedcmds['addr']: break # no addr addr = SedAddress(possiblecmd) # get data if addr.isok: if not cmddict.has_key('addr1'): cmddict['linenr'] = linenr cmddict['addr1'] = addr.full cmddict['addr1flag'] = addr.flag cmddict['addr1html'] = addr.html if addr.pattern: lastaddr = addr.full else: cmddict['lastaddr'] = lastaddr else: cmddict['addr2'] = addr.full cmddict['addr2flag'] = addr.flag cmddict['addr2html'] = addr.html if addr.pattern: lastaddr = addr.full else: cmddict['lastaddr'] = lastaddr rest = addr.rest else: incompleteaddr = addr.rest break # join more cmds if not cmddict.has_key('addr2') and rest[0] == ',': # it's a range! possiblecmd = string.lstrip(rest[1:]) # del comma and blanks continue # process again else: incompleteaddr = '' possiblecmd = string.lstrip(rest) break # we're done! if incompleteaddr: continue # need more cmds! for key in cmdfields[:6]: # filling not set addr fields if not cmddict.has_key(key): cmddict[key] = '' ###------------------------------------------------- ### from here, address is no more ###------------------------------------------------- if not incompletecmd: if not possiblecmd: error('missing command at line %d!'%linenr) cmd = SedCommand(possiblecmd) if not cmddict['linenr']: cmddict['linenr'] = linenr else: cutme = len(cmd.modifier+cmd.id) cmd.rest = possiblecmd cmd.junk = possiblecmd[cutme:] cmd.doItAll() if cmd.isok: for key in cmdfields[6:]: # filling cmd entry data cmddict[key] = getattr(cmd, key) # saving last address content if cmd.pattern: lastaddr = cmd.delimiter+cmd.pattern+cmd.delimiter elif cmd.delimiter: cmddict['lastaddr'] = lastaddr if cmd.id == 's': lastsubref = len(ZZ) # saving s/// position if cmd.id == 't': cmddict['extrainfo'] = lastsubref # related s/// reference has_t = 1 ZZ.append(cmddict) # saving full cmd entry debug('FULL entry: %s'%cmddict,3) cmddict = {} # reset data holder incompletecmd = incompletecmdline = '' # reset incomplete holders if cmd.id == '{': linesplit.insert(0,cmd.rest) if cmd.rest == '}': linesplit.insert(0,cmd.rest) # 3{p;d} (gnu) del cmd else: incompletecmd = cmd.rest # not ok, will join next debug('INCOMPLETE cmd: %s'%incompletecmd) if incompletecmd: incompletecmdline = incompletecmd # populating list header ZZ[0]['blanklines'] = blanklines ZZ[0]['fields'] = cmdfields ZZ[0]['has_t'] = has_t ################################################################################ # field:value line by line (lots of lines!) def dumpKeyValuePair(datalist): for data in datalist[1:]: # skip headers at 0 if not data['id']: continue # blank line for key in datalist[0]['fields']: if key == 'replace': data[key] = string.replace(data[key], linesep, newlineshow) print "%10s:%s"%(key,data[key]) print # a command per line, : separated (loooooooong lines) #line:ad1:ad1f:ad2:ad2f:mod:cmd:content:delim:patt:rplc:flag:comment def dumpOneliner(datalist, fancy=0): r = n = '' if fancy: r = '\033[7m'; n = '\033[m' for data in datalist[1:]: # skip headers at 0 outline = data['linenr'] if data['id']: for key in datalist[0]['fields'][1:]: # skip linenr outline = '%s:%s%s%s'%(outline,r,data[key],n) print outline def dumpCute(datalist): r = color_REV; n = color_NO for data in datalist[1:]: # skip headers at 0 if not data['id']: print '%40s'%'[blank]' elif data['id'] == '#' : print data['comment'] else: idsep='' if data['id'] in 'bt': idsep=' ' cmd = '%s%s%s%s'%(data['modifier'],data['id'],idsep,data['content']) if data['delimiter']: cmd = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s'%(cmd, data['delimiter'],data['pattern'], data['delimiter'],data['replace'], data['delimiter'],data['flag']) cmd = string.replace(cmd, linesep, n+newlineshow+r) print '%s'%'-'*40 print 'adr: %s%s%s%s ::: %s%s%s%s'%( r,data['addr1'],data['addr1flag'],n, r,data['addr2'],data['addr2flag'],n) print 'cmd: %s%s%s [%s]'%(r,cmd,n,data['comment']) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dumpScript(datalist, indentprefix): indfmt = { 'string' : indentprefix, 'initlevel' : 0, 'addrsep': ',' , 'joinaddrcmd': 0 } outlist = [] adsep = indfmt['addrsep'] indent = indfmt['initlevel'] if action == 'html': outlist.append(html['htmlheader']) for data in datalist[1:]: # skip headers at 0 if not data['id']: outlist.append('\n') continue # blank line if data['id'] == '#' : indentstr = indfmt['string']*indent if action != 'html': outlist.append('%s%s\n'%(indentstr,data['comment'])) else: outlist.append('%s%s\n'%(indentstr, paintHtml('comment', data['comment']))) else: if data['id'] == '}': indent = indent - 1 indentstr = indfmt['string']*indent # only indent++ after open { if data['id'] == '{': indent = indent + 1 cmd = composeSedCommand(data) addr = composeSedAddress(data) # saving full line comm = '' if data['comment']: comm = ';'+data['comment'] cmd = '%s%s%s'%(indentstr,addr,cmd) outlist.append('%-39s%s\n'%(cmd,comm)) if action == 'html': outlist.append(html['htmlfooter']) for line in outlist: print line, # print the result #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def doDebug(datalist): outlist = [] cmdlineopts = 'f' t_count = 0 hideregisters = 0 if datalist[0].has_key('topopts'): cmdlineopts = datalist[0]['topopts'] # if we have one or more t commands on the script, we need to save the t # command status between debug commands. as they perform s/// commands, the # t status of the "last substitution" is lost. so, we save the status doing # a nice loop trick before *every* command (necessary overhead). this loops # uses the :wassetNNN and wasclearNNN labels, where NNN is the label count. #TIP: t status resets: line read, t call if datalist[0]['has_t']: t_count = 1 for i in range(len(datalist)): if i == 0: continue # skip headers at 0 data = datalist[i] if not data['id']: continue # ignore blank line if data['id'] == '#': outlist.append('%s\n'%(data['comment'])) else: cmd = composeSedCommand(data) addr = composeSedAddress(data) cmdshow = string.replace(cmd, '\n', newlineshow+color_YLW) cmdshow = esc_RS_EspecialChars(addr+cmdshow) showsedcmd = string.replace(showcomm, '\a', cmdshow) registers = showpatt + showhold if hideregisters: registers = '' showall = '%s%s'%(registers,showsedcmd) # TODO not put t status on read-next-line commands: # - n,d,q,b ,t if t_count and showall: if data['id'] not in 'ndq': tmp = string.replace(save_t, '\a', '%03d'%t_count) showall = string.replace(tmp, '#DEBUG#', showall) t_count = t_count + 1 if data['lastaddr']: # null cmd to restore last addr: /addr/{;} showall = showall+data['lastaddr']+restaddr+'\n' # after jump or block commands don't show registers, because # they're not affected. exception: after b or t without target # (read next line) hideregisters = 0 if data['id'] in sedcmds['jump'] and data['content']: hideregisters = 1 elif data['id'] in sedcmds['block']: hideregisters = 1 outlist.append("%s#%s\n%s\n"%(showall,'-'*50,addr+cmd)) outlist.append(showpatt + showhold) # last line status # executing sed script #TODO run debug on emulator? - SLOW!!! - or to it directly w/o extra .sedd cmdextra = inputfiles = '' if actionopts.count('_stdout-only'): cmdextra = "| egrep -v 'PATT|HOLD|COMM|\$$|\\$'" for file in textfiles: inputfiles = '%s %s'%(inputfiles,file) tmpfile = mkTmpFile(outlist) os.system("sed -%s %s %s %s"%(cmdlineopts, tmpfile, inputfiles, cmdextra)) os.remove(tmpfile) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class emuSed: #TODO check for syntax errors #TODO convert regexes #TODO organize debug msgs #TODO make all this script a valid/callable python module def __init__(self, datalist, textfile, debug=0): self.inlist = [''] self.outlist = [] self.cmdlist = [] self.labels = {} self.blocks = {} self.addr1 = self.addr2 = '' self.linenr = 0 self.cmdnr = 0 self.holdspace = '' self.line = '' self.cmd = '' self.f_debug = debug self.f_stdin = 0 self.rewindScript() # getting input data location (stdin or file) if textfile == '-': self.f_stdin = 1 else: self.inlist.extend(readFile(textfile)) # wipe null commands, save labels and block info blockopen = [] for data in datalist[1:]: # skip headers at 0 if not data['id'] or data['id'] == '#': continue self.cmdlist.append(data) cmdpos = len(self.cmdlist)-1 if data['id'] == ':': self.labels[data['content']] = cmdpos elif data['id'] == '{': blockopen.append(cmdpos) elif data['id'] == '}': self.blocks[blockopen.pop()] = cmdpos del blockopen self.run() def rewindScript(self): self.EOS = 0 # end of script self.EOF = 0 # end of file self.cmdnr = -1 self.f_delme = 0 self.f_inrange = 0 self.f_joinme = 0 def readNextLine(self): self.linenr = self.linenr +1 #TODO $ matches everyline. #TODO GNU sed retains stdout until next only if there is a $ addr if self.f_stdin: # reading STDIN interactively inputline = sys.stdin.readline() if not inputline: self.EOF = 1 ; return self.inlist.append(inputline[:-1]) # del \n$ if self.linenr > len(self.inlist)-1: # no more lines! self.EOF = 1 ; return next = self.inlist[self.linenr] if self.f_joinme: self.line = self.line+'\n'+next else : self.line = next debug('line readed:%d:%s'%(self.linenr,`self.line`), 1) def _getAddress(self, fulladdr): addr = fulladdr # number if addr[0] == '/' : addr = addr[1:-1] # del // elif addr[0] == '\\': addr = addr[2:-1] # del \xx return addr def _matchAddress(self, addr): ok = 0 if addr[0] in '0123456789': # 003 is valid if self.linenr == int(addr): ok = 1 elif addr == '$': # last line if self.linenr == len(self.inlist)-1: ok = 1 elif re.search(addr,self.line): ok = 1 # pattern if ok: debug('MATCHed addr:%s'%`addr`,2) return ok def testAddress(self): ok = 0 ; cmd = self.cmd ; PS = self.line if not cmd['addr1']: ok = 1 # no address debug('NO address!', 3) else: self.addr1 = self._getAddress(cmd['addr1']) debug('addr1: '+self.addr1, 2) if cmd['addr2']: # range self.addr2 = self._getAddress(cmd['addr2']) debug('addr2: '+self.addr2, 2) if self.f_inrange: self.f_inrange = 0 if not ok: if self._matchAddress(self.addr1): ok = 1 if self.addr2: # range if ok: self.f_inrange = 1 # start range elif self._matchAddress(self.addr2): ok = 1 ; self.f_inrange = 0 # end range elif self.f_inrange: ok = 1 # in range debug('in range: %d'%self.f_inrange, 3) debug('is hotline: %d'%ok, 3) debug('cmd: %s'%cmd['id'], 1) return ok def _makeRawString(self,str): raw = string.replace(str, '\t', '\\t') raw = string.replace(raw, '\n', '\\n') return raw +'$' def applyCmd(self): cmd = self.cmd ; PS = self.line ; HS = self.holdspace debug('cmdnr: %d'%self.cmdnr, 3) #TODO ! r w // if cmd['id'] == ':': pass elif cmd['id'] == '=': print(self.linenr) elif cmd['id'] == 'p': print(PS) elif cmd['id'] == 'P': print(re.sub('\n.*','', PS)) elif cmd['id'] == 'q': self.EOF = 1 elif cmd['id'] == 'h': HS = PS elif cmd['id'] == 'H': HS = HS+'\n'+PS elif cmd['id'] == 'g': PS = HS elif cmd['id'] == 'G': PS = PS+'\n'+HS elif cmd['id'] == 'x': PS, HS = HS, PS elif cmd['id'] == 'y': trtab = string.maketrans(cmd['pattern'], cmd['replace']) PS = string.translate(PS, trtab) elif cmd['id'] == 'l': print self._makeRawString(PS) elif cmd['id'] == 'd': self.f_delme = 1 ; self.EOS = 1 # d) forces next cicle elif cmd['id'] == 'D': # D) del till \n, next cicle cutted = re.sub('^.*?\n', '', PS) # del up to the 1st \n if cutted == PS: cutted = '' # if no \n at all, del all PS = cutted self.rewindScript() # D forces rewind if not PS: # no PS, start next cicle self.f_delme = 1 ; self.EOS = 1 print '------',PS elif cmd['id'] == 'n': # n) print patt, read line print(PS) self.readNextLine(); PS = self.line elif cmd['id'] == 'N': # N) join next, read line self.f_joinme = 1 self.readNextLine(); PS = self.line elif cmd['id'] in 'aic': # aic) spill text txt = re.sub(r'\\%s'%linesep, '\n', cmd['content']) txt = re.sub('^\n', '', txt) # delete first escape self.f_delme = 1 if cmd['id'] == 'a': print(PS) # line before print(txt) # put text if cmd['id'] == 'i': print(PS) # line after elif cmd['id'] in 'bt': # jump to... if not cmd['content']: self.EOS = 1 # ...end else: self.cmdnr = self.labels[cmd['content']] # ...label #TODO s///3 ; s//\1/ ; s//&/ elif cmd['id'] == 's': times = 1 ; patt = cmd['pattern'] ; repl = cmd['replace'] patt = re.sub(r'\\\(','(',patt) #TODO test only, make function patt = re.sub(r'\\\)',')',patt) repl = re.sub(r'^\\\n','\n',repl) # NL escaped on repl if 'g' in cmd['flag']: times = 0 # global if 'i' in cmd['flag']: patt = '(?i)'+patt # ignore case new = re.sub(patt, repl, PS, times) if 'p' in cmd['flag'] and new != PS: print new if 'w' in cmd['flag']: text = [new] # w) open file truncating anyway if new == PS: text = '' # write patt only if s/// was ok writeFile(cmd['content'], text) PS = new if self.f_debug: showreg = 1 fullcmd = "%s%s"%(composeSedAddress(cmd), string.replace(composeSedCommand(cmd), '\n', newlineshow+color_YLW)) print commid+color_YLW+fullcmd+color_NO if cmd['id'] in ':bt' and cmd['content']: showreg = 0 if cmd['id'] in '{}': showreg = 0 if showreg: print pattid+self._makeRawString(PS) print holdid+self._makeRawString(HS) self.line = PS ; self.holdspace = HS # save registers def run(self): while not self.EOF: self.rewindScript() self.readNextLine() if self.EOF: break if self.linenr == 1 and self.f_debug: # debug info print pattid+self._makeRawString(self.line) print holdid+self._makeRawString(self.holdspace) while not self.EOS: if self.cmdnr == -1: self.cmdnr = 0 # 1st position self.cmd = self.cmdlist[self.cmdnr] if self.testAddress(): self.applyCmd() if self.EOS or self.EOF: break elif self.cmd['id'] == '{': self.cmdnr = self.blocks[self.cmdnr] self.cmdnr = self.cmdnr +1 # next command if self.cmdnr > len(self.cmdlist)-1: break # default print pattern behaviour if not self.f_delme: print self.line ################################################################################ # printing results format if action == 'dumpcute': dumpCute(ZZ) elif action == 'token' : dumpKeyValuePair(ZZ) elif action == 'indent': dumpScript(ZZ, indentprefix) elif action == 'debug' : doDebug(ZZ) elif action == 'html' : dumpScript(ZZ, indentprefix) elif action in ['emu', 'emudebug']: DEBUG = EMUDEBUG ; dodebug = 0 if action == 'emudebug': dodebug = 1 for textfile in textfiles: emuSed(ZZ, textfile, dodebug) # dumpOneliner(data) #TODO commenter #TODO ignore l command line break? #TODO accept \n as addr delimiter