#! /bin/sed -nf # This script replaces cat -n; the trick is to save the *next* line # number in hold space, printing the line soon so that we can then # discard the pattern space x /^$/ { # Prime the pump s/^.*$/1/ } # Add the correct line number before the pattern G h s/^/ / s/^ *\(......\)\n/\1 /p # move the line number only to hold space, and add a # zero if we're going to add a digit on the next line x s/\n.*$// /^9*$/ s/^/0/ # separate changing/unchanged digits with an x s/.9*$/x&/ # keep changing digits in hold space h s/^.*x// y/0123456789/1234567890/ x # keep unchanged digits in pattern space s/x.*$// # compose the new number, remove the new-line implicitly added by G G s/\n// h